Shubham Jangid
Oct 27, 2020


πŸ”° Create High Availability Architecture with AWS CLI πŸ”°

πŸ”…The architecture includes-

- Webserver configured on EC2 Instance

- Document Root(/var/www/html) made persistent by mounting on EBS Block Device.

- Static objects used in code such as pictures stored in S3

- Setting up Content Delivery Network using CloudFront and using the origin domain as S3 bucket.

- Finally place the Cloud Front URL on the webapp code for security and low latency.

Step 1: β€” Create a security group

Windows CMD prompt
OUTPUT on aws webUI

Step 2: β€” Add inbound rule in security group

Windows CMD prompt
OUTPUT on aws weUI

Step 3: β€” Create a new key pair

Windows CMD prompt
OUTPUT on aws webUI

Step 4: β€” Launch an instance on ap-south-1 with the help of created security Grp and key pair

Windows CMD prompt
OUTPUT on aws webUI

Step 5: β€” Create a new Volume type EBS on ap-south-1a

Windows CMD prompt
OUTPUT on aws webUI

Step 6: β€” Attach EBS with the instance so we put dynamic content(code) in it

Windows CMD prompt
OUTPUT on aws webUI

Step 7: β€” Login into Instance with the help of SSH protocol

Hear we use browser for login

Step 8: β€” Create partition in the created EBS

Step 9: β€” Format partition for get an inode table

without inode table we can’t store data in the partitions

Step 10: β€” Install httpd for host our website or web page

we use yum for install any package in rpm based Linux distribution

Step 11: β€” Create S3 bucket for storing the static data in it like image, pdf and videos etc.

Windows CMD prompt

Step 12: β€” Upload files in S3 bucket from the local storage

Windows CMD prompt

Step 13: β€” Setting up Content Delivery Network using CloudFront and using the origin domain as S3 bucket

Windows CMD prompt
OUTPUt on webUI

Step 14: β€” Mount the EBS with the default documents directory of Apache webserver ( /var/www/html )

Step 15: β€” Go into /var/www/html directory and create an html program β€œindex.html”

Step 16: β€” Start the services of httpd

Final Output

Thank you



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